If you’ve been injured in an accident and are unable to pay for medical treatment out-of-pocket, you may be able to use a letter of protection (LOP) to help you get the medical attention you need. A letter of protection is a document that is issued by an attorney and is used to assure a medical provider that payment for treatment will be made once a settlement or judgment is reached in a personal injury case.
Here’s how a letter of protection works:
- You meet with an attorney: After you’ve been injured in an accident, you’ll need to meet with an attorney to discuss your case. During this meeting, you’ll need to provide the attorney with information about the accident and your injuries, including any medical bills or records you have.
- The attorney issues a letter of protection: If the attorney believes that you have a strong case and that you’ll be able to recover damages for your injuries, they may issue you a letter of protection. The letter will typically be addressed to the medical provider and will specify that payment for treatment will be made once a settlement or judgment is reached in the case.
- You receive medical treatment: Once you have a letter of protection, you can use it to receive medical treatment from a medical provider. The medical provider may be willing to treat you without requiring payment upfront, knowing that they will be paid once the case is resolved.
- The attorney negotiates with the insurance company: While you’re receiving medical treatment, your attorney will work to negotiate a settlement or judgment with the insurance company. This may involve negotiating the amount of damages that you’re entitled to, as well as the amount of any medical bills that are outstanding.
- Payment is made: Once a settlement or judgment is reached, the medical provider will be paid from the proceeds of the case. The amount of the payment will be based on the terms of the letter of protection and the amount of the settlement or judgment.
If you’re considering using a letter of protection to help you get medical treatment after an accident, it’s important to seek the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer. An experienced lawyer can help you understand your rights and options and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome.
In conclusion, a letter of protection is a document that is issued by an attorney and is used to assure a medical provider that payment for treatment will be made once a settlement or judgment is reached in a personal injury case.